Rousing Your Spiritual Gift from Sleep
by Cathy Baker
Sometimes they’re obvious. Sometimes not. But they’re always fueled by the Holy Spirit and burn with divine intensity.
Spiritual gifts.
A quick testimony. For years I’ve used my spiritual gifts both inside and outside the church walls. I’m sure you have as well.
When I recently accepted an opportunity at our awe-some church to help with communication needs, something unexpected happened. A part of me that had crawled into hibernation several years ago began to emerge with a skip to its step.
Questions arose within. Why am I feeling more fulfilled lately? What’s with this surprising spark of joy? Why do I now sense more of an ownership at Summit Church?
Driving home from staff one day, the answer surfaced: Spiritual gifts.
By re-engaging my gifts and creative energy, I felt a deeper sense of ownership, not only to Summit but to the Church as well. Few things rally the fulfillment felt by those who employ their God-given gifts for His glory.
If you’re struggling to feel connected in your church, or if you find yourself devoid of a spark that once burned with intensity, could it be that you’re not engaging your spiritual gift(s)?
I pray God’s whisper will rouse it from its sleep and surprise you with its joy.
So, how about you? I’d love to know your spiritual gift(s). To God be the glory!
[Note: This morning I’m having outpatient surgery so I will respond to your comments but it may be a day or two late. Thank you for sharing them!]
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6