
5 Ways to Love a Warrior and My February Giveaway! (Hint: Herbal Rose Tea)

By Cathy Baker @cathysbaker

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light. -Helen Keller

A handful of women gathered around the planked table in the back corner of the local coffee shop. Teas, lattes, and hearts, were stirred.

Some asking God to answer specific prayers, some seeing God answer prayers in spectacular ways, and others patiently waiting for heart-wrenching prayers to surface⎯yet, all are joyfully confident that their God is mightily at work in their lives.

It’s a powerful moment when we realize we’re surrounded by warriors.

As I drove home that morning, I thanked God for these friends but somehow, I felt as if God was calling me to action. To be thankful for someone is great, but to act on that gratitude can be a game changer.

So what do we do in those moments when imperfect, tenacious lovers of God cross our path?

1. {Thank God for her} “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3

2. {Ask, “What can I learn from her example?”} Desiring to have a teachable spirit enables us to resist the comparison trap, and instead, embrace the truth that we are to spur one another on! It’s biblical, it’s beautiful, and it is gospel-driven. Iron sharpens iron, sisters.

3. {Keep her off a pedestal of our own making} Sometimes we don’t realize we’ve put a person on a pedestal until they trip up…and we’re surprised.

4. {Pray for her, as well as her family} The prayer of a righteous {not perfect} person is powerful and effective. We know that’s the last thing the enemy desires so it’s only supernatural that prayer warriors are often under attack, as well as their families.

5. {Love her} Be present when needed. Send a card, sharing specific ways God has used her to bless our lives. Offer to pray specifically for her/family.

Is there some way I can pray for you today, my warrior friend? Are you feeling more like a weary warrior these days? It’s okay. You’re not alone. I welcome the opportunity to pray for you. 

Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up… 1 Thessalonians 5:11
If you’ve never tried Herbal Rose Tea, you’re in for a treat!
Imagine sipping tea in a rose garden. {No fancy gloves required!} Because this is one of my all-time favorite teas, I had to share a canister with you in this month’s giveaway.
To enter, simply leave a comment on today’s post sharing your favorite flavor of tea, or ways I can pray for you, or both. {I’m assuming you’re a tea drinker if you’ve read this far.} Next Wednesday, March 2, I’ll announce the winner of the random drawing done via Random Name Picker. For each comment you leave between now and next Monday’s post, I will add your name to the list for drawing. Thank you and good luck!

Why Everyone Needs An Encouragement Folder

by Cathy Baker

I remember the day I created my Encouragement Folder. I’d not been writing very long when my mom surprised me by emailing her friends and family a copy of something I’d done. Soon afterwards, she forwarded a response she’d received from her cousin, Marie, to me.

As I read Marie’s email, the words soon became murky for all the tears. You see, just one day prior, I’d asked God for specific confirmation concerning my writing. Because Marie took the time to share words of encouragement, one wobbly kneed writer became strengthened. 

This week, I had a similar experience and was once again reminded of why everyone needs an Encouragement Folder. Writers, mothers, employees, ministry leaders, _______, etc. Fill in the blank because it’s a fact that you’ll be stirred up (Hebrews 10:24), strengthened (Acts 15:32), and grace-filled (Ephesians 4:29) if you’re the recipient of divine encouragement. It’s no wonder the enemy attempts to snatch up such a powerful stirring! 

Enter, the Encouragement Folder. If When you receive a word of encouragement that stimulates you spiritually, act on it immediately. Jot it down or record it either online or in a snazzy folder (see above!) You may be surprised by how God uses another person’s words from years ago to stir you towards the future. 

Consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Hebrews 10:24
So, here’s the pressing question: How can we help others fill up their folders? The word “consider” means to turn over in one’s mind. Encouraging others oftentimes requires thought. I have much to learn but here’s how turning it over works itself out in my mind:
1. Pray. I ask the Lord to help me see others with His eyes. He alone knows the deepest needs of those He places around us on any given day. 
2. Observe. I’ve prayed to see, I believe He will answer. Now, I watch and observe how He leads. 
3. Obey. Sometimes I feel certain of the person whom God wants me encourage or what the person may need (someone to pray with, a note, a hug, help in some tangible way, etc.) but this isn’t always the case. And that’s okay. God’s got it! I simply need to be obedient to what I sense God is leading me to do and then trust Him with the results.
How about you? Whose Encouragement Folder will expand today because we took the time to write them words of encouragement?
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, 
just as you are doing.1 Thessalonians 5:11

When Encouragement Travels in a Teacup

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