
Staying in Step with the Spirit Via The Book

 { Day 23 }

My name is Cathy Baker and I am a Book O’ Holic. 

Slender binding
Threadbare spines
Fresh printed ink
Crisp white pages, and
Well worn ones too. 

They’re all there – residing on my bookshelves, side by side, rubbing spine on spine.

Some have yet to be read
Some are on a perpetual rotation
Some left an indelible impression 
Some simply left a mental ✔ by their title 


I may learn how to be a better wife, mom, and friend through a study or book written by a devoted author but only the Book, God’s active living Word, penetrates to the deepest, darkest layers within and brings current thoughts and actions to a screeching halt.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and
marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

I may learn how to be a more efficient make-up applier, decorator, and cook by perusing my stack of magazines but only the Book teaches me what’s really important. 
“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:19-21

I may become a better writer or poet by studying the reference books that line my shelves, but only in the Book will I find the overarching purpose for putting pen to paper. This is vital for it is my motivation to write.

My heart overflows with a good theme;
I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1

Well, I do!


I consider all my books to be a gift from God. Each one teaches me something. They have value, or else I wouldn’t purchase them. But, because of the fleshly tendency to reach for a book “fix”, I have to remain alert to
the truth that no book trumps God’s Word. No, not one. Not even the most soul persuasive Christian book. Nope.

Okay, so am I alone? If not, sign-ups begin Monday for all my fellow Book O’ Holics (just kidding, but it’s nice knowing I’m not alone!)

Staying in Step with the Holy Spirit: A plethora of books—magnificent books!—line our stores but only the Book is inerrant, alive and active on our behalf. When the Bible has the right priority in our lives, we can’t help but stay in step with Him. 

Heavenly Father, Your words are our very life, the well from which we draw wisdom, encouragement, exhortation, and conviction. Everything we need in life You provided in one breath. Help us to lean on You, Your Word, above else. 

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16,17

#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }
{ Day 13 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase

{ Day 15 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Paper Bookmark
{ Day 16 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Fresh Start
{ Day 17 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Spontaneous Service
{ Day 18 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 3
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 20 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Mini-Getaway
{ Day 21 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Piped Icing
{ Day 22 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Knock at the Door


3 Ways to Move From Complimenting to Offering Soul-Stirring Encouragement

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Some people are dangerously near compromising their faith. A word of encouragement from you may put them back on track. – Chuck Swindoll
Chuck’s words strike a chord because I’ve experienced that kind of encouragement firsthand, and perhaps you have too.

Biblical encouragement – the kind that stirs the soul – isn’t fluff that soothes momentarily.

Biblical encouragement is grounded in scripture, offering sincere words and actions that linger, creating a spiritual boost only God can measure. I continue to learn how to shift from giving surface-type compliments to offering genuine soul-stirring encouragement. Here are a few things I’m learning along the way:
Focus on the internal. What actions are we seeing in others? Do we see a servant’s heart? If so, we need to share the specific ways we see Christ-in-action through their lives. And if it’s done in front of someone they respect, even better.
Celebrate! Maybe it’s someone in our youth group, small group, neighbor, or co-worker. Did they conquer a hurdle in their lives? Receive a promotion? Graduate? It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate with them! Send a card, give them a call, or share a small meaningful gift to remind them of God’s hand in their celebration.
Be present. We all fall short of God’s glorious standard. It’s not a matter of if sin happens, but when. So here’s the question: When this happens to someone we love and they refuse to face it, will we choose to quietly fade into the background because it’s the easiest, cleanest thing to do? Or will we, instead, choose to come alongside that person, love them unconditionally, and continue to point them back to Jesus? We may be the only representation of Living Water they know during their driest season.
In Acts 4:36 NIV, Luke translates Barnabas to mean “son of encouragement.” The original Greek word for “encouragement,” paraklesis, means consolation, exhortation, and comfort. Apparently, the apostles who gave Joseph the name Barnabas saw these qualities in his character.
When Jesus sees us, does He see these qualities? Could we be called a daughter of encouragement?
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us
and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort
you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 NIV

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