
Reflections From My Computer-Sabbatical Day

You may remember this post from last week about my plans to begin a computer-sabbatical on Sundays, pushing the Sunday Snippets posts to Mondays.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to take sermon notes but I did, however, make a few mental notes yesterday afternoon during the sabbatical:
  • Pressure off, peace on. Knowing no emails, Facebook posts, Yahoo updates, or anything else internet related would be checked, lifted a pressure I didn’t even know existed.
  • Because many of my to-do’s are tied to the internet, that list melted into thin air but my need for rest was solidified. Yep, I napped!
  • Time, conversations—practically everything—seemed to shift into a lower gear, allowing my activities (and rest) to soak in a little deeper.
And this morning? I awakened refreshed, ready to take on the day. A “cleansing” has taken place and the re-set button has kicked into gear! 
Might the Lord be prompting you to try a computer-Sabbatical? If so, I encourage you to lean into the experience and receive the blessings that await. 
The same information and contacts will be waiting online tomorrow…but today can never be retrieved.

The Melodic Shrill of Steel-On-Steel

Iron sharpens iron. And one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 ESV

“I love your sermon notes, Cathy! I’ve been trying to take a computer-sabbatical on Sundays, so these have been great to read on Monday mornings.”

Susan Stilwell recently left the above comment for one of my Sunday Snippets posts. As I read it, a faint but divine shrill pierced my conscience. Could God possibly be calling me to a computer-sabbatical on Sundays as well? 
After a few weeks (I’m a slow learner), I realized the depth of Susan’s comment. God used it to sharpen — awaken — my discernment in regards to the Sabbath.
As a result, I now plan to take notes on Sundays, but post them on Monday mornings. Sundays on Mondays, if you will.
Yet another reminder of how melodic the shrill of steel-on-steel can be in a Christ-follower’s life. 
Where would we be without one another?

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