I love quotes. And they love me. Pithy, thought-provoking…it’s all there. So in the midst of this blazing summer heat, I thought I’d offer refreshment in the form of a fistful of favorites. In addition, you’ll find a quick sip of thoughts. As you read the following five quotes, is there one in particular that resonates with you?
So how do we fuel the curiosity within us? One way is through play. Who says adults have outgrown a playground or that our playground must consist of a slide and a swing? I admit that I’ve not always been good at playing as an adult. In fact, I’m still working on it. But playing, whether it’s through a sports activity, dancing free-form when no one can see you {cue 70’s music}, or simply daydreaming, it empowers us to be creative, free-thinkers, and more flexible.
Self-doubt is a danger to creativity. But more importantly, it’s a danger to our souls. Our testimonies. Our calling. When I began attending the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference I found my validation as a writer in receiving awards. I’d never won anything as an adult. So each time I heard my name called and the roar of applause that followed, I felt a little more like a “real” writer. I know now that my worth — as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, friend, and writer, must be grounded only in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone is where we find our confidence. When we rest in this truth, self-doubt quietly slithers away.
Oh boy! I’m still not sure what to think about this quote but I couldn’t exclude it. It was just too darn intriguing. Maybe it’s the term ‘stealing’ that leaves me unsettled. Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton, who led our writer’s group for years, often reminded us that there is nothing new under the sun. I don’t know about you, but that’s a relief. I used to beat myself up because I couldn’t think of something to write about that no one else had already written. Now I know that my inspiration and perspective are unique…and so are yours. I pray the Lord will open our spiritual eyes as we anticipate fresh insight from Him, even on the most hum-drum of days.
Don’t you find this to be true? I learned this while participating in the 31 Days Blog Challenge a couple of years ago. The challenge? Choose a theme and dedicate 31 consecutive days {October} to blogging on that subject. I thought for sure I’d run out of ideas within the first three days. What I discovered, however, was quite the opposite. Creativity was at every turn! Thoughts came quicker and from unexpected places.
My heart’s desire: to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make Him look great. For He is worthy! How about you?
Now it’s your turn! Was there a quote or thought you especially resonated with today? Please share. I’d love to know.
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If you’re a perfectionist like me, you’ll especially benefit from this Artist Date with your creative self. There’s no right way to do this so relax and have fun!
You’ll need:
Poster board (I purchased the 1/4″ thicker type)
Magazines (my favorite part)
Two-sided tape or glue stick
And now for the fun part:
“Collage your creative dream. This exercise is a potent form of prayer. Working with a dozen or so magazines, tear out images that speak of your dream. Paste these images on a sheet of poster board. Add a photo of yourself. Place the photo centrally, surrounded by images of your creative dream. This is a visual prayer. It is very powerful, as it bypasses our rational mind and its resistance. Seeing is believing!” -Julia Cameron, The Miracle of the Artist’s Date.
This is a visual reminder of your dreams, goals, and priorities. A few years ago, Carolyn Knefley, of Christian Communicators, taught me how to create my own storyboard:
It’s your story, your dream. Create what you sense God is calling you to do, and perhaps most importantly, who He is calling you to be. In addition to images, I included scripture references as well as biblical reminders. If you look closely, you’ll see the image of a man scattering seeds in the center of my board. This image stands to remind me that my responsibility is to live in response to the Gospel of Christ, allowing it to penetrate everything I do and say, and write.
Where the seeds take root and flourish is of God’s choosing. It’s all Him, not me. It’s, for this reason, it remains center stage.
What do you see taking center stage on your storyboard?
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:6 ESV
Every Monday and Wednesday you’ll find a pithy post, perfect for hot summer days when a sip refreshes more than a guzzle.
inspire [in-spahyuh r]:to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence.
Many of us land on the steps of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference in search of inspiration through newly forged friendships, positive appointments, and dynamic classes. Blue Ridge offers it all, but one bit of truth grounded my grandiose desires this year, and it was this: I can’t make anything happen. God is the Originator of all ideas. If we’re willing to do the hard work to see these ideas come to fruition, we can rest in knowing He goes before us, fully equipping us. He brings favor as He desires. He opens doors, and closes them. All for His glory.
Others inspire us
but only One indwells us infusing our deepest desires with Sovereign power.
Take the desires you have placed on our hearts and bring them to fruition
for Your glory
in Your ways
and in Your timing,
for all personify a perfection we can trust.
What/who has recently served as an inspiration to you?
Speaking of inspiration, (how’s that for a segue?) I’m thrilled to announce that I’m now a regular contributor to Inspire A Fire! In fact, my first post is today. I’d love for you to hop over and take a look. Mark your calendar (or subscribe via email on Inspire A Fire’s site!) I’ll post the first Monday of every month.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
It took bravery on my part to take the first step, so tonight is not the winning step. The winning step was the first one. – David, runner up for The Biggest Loser 2014
Perhaps it was the timing of his statement that caused me to drop my 3 point-worthy Bagel Thins and pick up a pen instead. Thanks to Vonda, Dave Weiss’ post Your Muse is DEAD has been raising its hand for my constant attention all day long.
Inspiration is not something to wait for, it’s something to seek. It’s
not some whispy goddess who capriciously decides to withhold your
creativity. The muse is dead, actually she was never alive. Most of
inspiration is work. -Dave Weiss
Though Dave’s post is directed to writers, it’s true for any area of life. Whatever that looks like for each of us, the truth is, it all begins with the first step:
stocking our pantries with healthier foods. And yes, bagel thins should be one of them. Don’t forget the blueberry cream cheese. It’s a lovely 2 point shade of lavender. 🙂
lacing up the walking shoes (after I find them)
creating budget envelopes in order to become a better steward of finances.
fill in the blank _________________
Could you use a little inspiration today? Don’t wait on it. Your first step awaits!
God is not withholding from you. When He has something for you to do, He
will make it clear. In the meantime look to what He’s previously given
you that you left unfinished and start working on that. -Dave Weiss
Cathy Baker
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