by Cathy Baker | Faith |

I would love to
hear from you! Is there one particular way from those mentioned above that you struggle with the most? If so, please share. You never know who you might encourage.
by Cathy Baker | Faith |
My prayer in all situations is “Lord, help me to follow well.” This has been especially so since we began the journey of selling our home a couple of months ago. I don’t want my trust to waver but sometimes it does.
Perhaps this is why yesterday’s reading from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young felt like a divine thump upon my spirit—and maybe I’m not alone as a new week unfolds before us all today. I pray you will be blessed.
“Take time to be still in my Presence. The more hassled you feel, the more you need this sacred space of communion with Me. Breathe slowly and deeply. Relax in My holy Presence while My Face shines upon you. This is how you receive My Peace, which I always proffer to you.
Imagine the pain I feel when My children tie themselves up in anxious thoughts, ignoring My gift of Peace. I died a criminal’s death to secure this blessing for you. Receive it gratefully; hide it in your heart. My peace is an inner treasure, growing within you as you trust in Me. Therefore, circumstances cannot touch it. Be still, enjoying Peace in My Presence.”
Psalm 46:10; Numbers 6:25-26
Is there some specific way I can pray for you today? Feel free to leave it here, FB message or email. I count it a privilege.
by Cathy Baker | Faith |
“Walk with Me in the freedom of forgiveness. The path we follow together is sometimes steep and slippery. If you carry a burden of guilt on your back, you are more likely to stumble and fall. At your request, I will remove the heavy load from you and bury it at the foot of the cross. When I unburden you, you are undeniably free! Stand up straight and tall in My Presence, so that no one can place more burdens on your back. Look into My Face and feel the warmth of My Love-Light shining upon you. It is this unconditional love that frees you from both fears and sins. Spend time basking in the Light of My Presence. As you come to know Me more and more intimately, you grow increasingly free.”
-Jesus Calling, Sarah Young
by Cathy Baker | Faith |
“Trust Me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm—your Peace in my Presence—need not be shaken by what is going on around you. Though you live in this temporal world, your innermost being is rooted and grounded in eternity. When you start to feel stressed, detach yourself from the disturbances around you. Instead of desperately striving to maintain order and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot touch My Peace.
Seek My Face, and I will share My mind with you, opening your eyes to see things from My perspective. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid. The Peace I give is sufficient for you.”
John 16:33; Psalm 105:4; John 14:27
Jesus Calling, Sarah Young
by Cathy Baker | Faith |

Two must-haves for your Christmas wish list:
Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence, Sarah Young
This devotional is unique in that it’s written from the perspective of Jesus speaking directly to you, based on the Scripture that day. There will be days—many days—you’ll look up to the heavens after reading the devotion and smile, sensing your heavenly Father inspired those words…just for you. This little book has often reminded me that God has all the details of my life under control. What better gift to share with another?
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, Ann Voskamp
“In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God’s gifts. It’s only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we’ve always wanted…a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved–by God.” – Excerpt from the Book Description, Amazon
Both would be ideal for the men and women on your gift list. Don’t let the cover of Ann’s book fool you. It’s not a girlie book (just check out the Amazon reviews if you don’t believe me!)
Do you have another favorite on your Christmas wish list you’d like to share?