
Mini-Steps Matter

Everything about it was outside my comfort zone.

  • Driving to an unknown part of town (those who know me know the struggle)
  • I had no idea what to expect
  • I knew no one
  • Was it out of my league?
  • Would I have to share my thoughts aloud in a room full of strangers? (my greatest fear!)

Comfort tried its best to persuade me to stay put, but I registered instead. And off to the Emrys poetry workshop I went on Saturday morning!

Upon arrival, I was warmly greeted by the group — and then in came Tina Parker, a dear friend and fellow Word Weaver. To say I was delighted to have her sitting beside me is an understatement. There’s nothing like being sandwiched between an Auburn grad and a lawyer!

I quickly knew I was in trouble when we were asked ten questions, such as How would you kill it? about an inanimate object—and then told we’d share all our answers with the entire group. I felt sick to my stomach, but once the rounds began, the fun kicked up a notch.

I wish I could say I’ve broken down all the barriers of my comfort zone, but I haven’t. I can, however, say that I made strides on Saturday. It was a mini-step, but a step nonetheless, and I feel I’m a better writer as a result.

I now look forward to attending Emrys $5.00 writing workshops on Sundays this summer.

Make no mistake. Mini-steps matter.

What mini-step outside your comfort zone do you need to take today?

Care to Hone Your Poetic Skills?

Emrys is hosting a Poetry Craft Seminar, led by Jillian Weise, this Saturday, March 31, from 10 a.m. – noon at the Bobby Pearse Community Center in Greenville.

Jillian was recently awarded the Isabella Gardner Poetry Award for her new collection, The Book of Goodbyes. Her book will be published by BOA Editions in fall 2013.

I’m registered and ready to go!

I’d love to see you there…

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