
Murder by Clutter

clut·ter: A confused or disordered state or collection; a jumble

One episode of Hoarders leaves me feeling like Martha Stewart on a bad hair day — while you won’t find feline skeletal remains buried beneath half-drained paper cups in my house, I doubt Martha would stack her books to the point of toppling as I sometimes do.

Let’s face it. House clutter kills more than cats, including:

  • spontaneity (sure, drop by any time! not.)
  • energy (does anything sap it quicker than disorder?)
  • beauty (even one who beholds would have to agree with me on this one)
  • peace (there’s always something to move, clean, or peep over)

Did you know it can also kill your creativity?

If you could use a boost of decluttering confidence despite your own toppling towers (am I alone here?), tune into an episode of Hoarders. You’ll be tweeting your own organizational tips in no time!

My Friday Fave

  • Are you organizationally challenged?
  • Do you DVR “Hoarders” because you’re too busy shopping?
  • Do you feel something is missing from your budget… say, money?
  • Do you enjoy practicality at its best?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, this blog is sure to become a favorite of yours as well.

I’m honored to call CC Owens a friend — and I thank her for sharing her God-given gifts via the new blog, Practical Light Living.

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