
This is My Story. What’s Yours?

blogmystoryMy story. // Fragmented family. // Young bride. // Two boys born here on earth, one in heaven. // Divorced. Twice. Single mom. // Came face-to-face with Jesus in a duplex. // Returned to church. My grandmother’s church. A New Beginning’s Class. // Met my husband of 25+ years. // Gained two God-glorifying daughter-in-laws. // Chosen to be the grammy to four future foes of the enemy. // Surrounded by fellow warriors, aka, friends. // Praying. // Hoping. // Watching. // Believing. // The beginning. // The end. // The in-between.


blogmysongA new song. Psalm 40.3 // Unto God. // My Rescuer. // My Redeemer. // My shame-bearer. // My Conquerer. // My Joy. // My Grantor of Grace. Abundant. Fresh. Mercy. // Singing for my Pappa God. // My forever song.


blogalldaylongInhaling. // Working. // Playing. // In Traffic. // In Target. // Daydreaming. // Praying. // Loving. // Serving. // Coffee. // What is Said. // What Remains Unspoken. // Exhaling.

-Blessed Assurance, Frances J. Crosby, 1873.

This is a snapshot of my story. What’s one or two words that you would insert below one of the above verses to describe yours? 


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Why Listening Matters

What are you listening to at this moment?


  • Steady rain pelting the windows
  • Thunder pealing
  • Fingers tapping madly away on a keyboard
  • George Winston’s “The Cries of the Wetland 2”
  • Tires playing in puddles
  • And okay, and the occasional slurping of coffee

Notice I chose the word listening instead of hearing, which is the simple the act of perceiving sound by the ear. Unless you’re hearing-impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, requires a pause – a decision to concentrate.

I encourage you to set aside one minute today. Simply listen. Soak it in. Pay attention.

Let’s take in the melodies of life, nature, and even man-made devices and turn them into opportunities for pause and praise.

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