Sharing Life Together…One Sip At A Time: Friendships

Thanks for stopping by. Pull up a chair, make yourself comfy, and I’ll pour us a cuppa tea.
I wish
we could physically sit across such a table together, but since most of
us cannot, I created a summer tea time on Tuesday’s just for us.
We’ll begin by asking God to stir us, awakening us to today’s takeaway. My prayer is that He will take today’s scripture and steep it deeply into our souls as we take a moment to ponder on, sip on, one word from the verse throughout out the week, moving us toward one particular action.
Today’s tea time is all about friendships. You know…the friend who quietly alerts you to the grits wedged tightly between your teeth (two guesses as to my favorite time to meet!) Most importantly, the kind of friend who boldly but lovingly speaks truth. These are the friendships I want surrounding me, and I’m thankful many of them do. One such friend for me is Becky. When I spend time with her, my spirit hits a “reset” button of sorts. I leave with a clearer understanding of God, of my role in the big scheme of things and perhaps more importantly, what my role is not. Thank you, Beck.
So, how about you? Does someone come to mind? Who are those friends for you?

phrase stands out to us at this particular time.
I choose the word “all.” Come misspoken words, unintentional neglect, grit-laden teeth, misunderstandings or miles between us, I am to love—at all times—and I fail miserably. Please forgive me.

Thank you for sharing a tea table with me today at Sharing Life Together…One Sip At A Time.
Would you consider joining in the conversation by leaving your “word” or in the comment box? Blessings to you, my friend!