
Creativity: How To Respond?

by Cathy Baker 

In need of a mid-week pick-me-up? Michael Card to the rescue! Few people sooth my soul like Michael Card. We’ve all heard of Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer. Michael is the Soul Whisperer. God’s Spirit uses his words, both in word and song, to bring about indescribable stillness to our deepest parts, inviting the Holy Spirit to weave His way where He will. So, with that, enjoy today’s excerpt from Michael’s Scribbling in the Sand, along with a creativity exercise shared in the study guide

Creativity is not about me. It is not about you. It is not us somehow acting like little gods, creating our own in the same way God creates. The most we can hope for is to respond appropriately and creatively to who God is and what he means. – Michael Card

Creativity is a response. – Michael Card
Courtesy of Pixabay

Try this: On a clear night, go out and gaze at the night sky while you repeat Psalm 8:1 silently or aloud. If you wish, commit the entire psalm to memory and speak it aloud as you look at the heavens. Let God’s works turn your thoughts to him and to your place in his creation. Go inside and write your thoughts, perhaps in the form of a psalm. If you cannot see the night sky very well where you live, gaze at the daytime sky—in any weather. Say the words of Psalm 8:1 and make notes of your feelings and thoughts as above. – Michael Card, with Dale and Sandy Larson, Scribbling in the Sand Study Guide.

Your Turn: When you gaze at the sky what leaves you in awe of God’s wonder the most?


LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory 
in the heavens.
Psalm 8:1 

Our Soul Whisperer

Be still and know that I am God. 
Psalm 46:10a
Be still: Stems from the verb rapha. It could be translated as, “cause yourselves to let go.”
Learning to say no is part of the outward equation but this term takes stillness to a deeper, more meaningful level. Be still speaks of a quietness that resides within as a result of knowing who God is:
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10b

He is King. 
Ruler of all. 
Our Soul Whisperer. 

What can we release today because of the confidence anchored in our heavenly Father?

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