
The Winning Step Awaits

It took bravery on my part to take the first step, so tonight is not the winning step. The winning step was the first one. – David, runner up for The Biggest Loser 2014

Perhaps it was the timing of his statement that caused me to drop my 3 point-worthy Bagel Thins and pick up a pen instead. Thanks to Vonda, Dave Weiss’ post Your Muse is DEAD has been raising its hand for my constant attention all day long.

Inspiration is not something to wait for, it’s something to seek. It’s
not some whispy goddess who capriciously decides to withhold your
creativity. The muse is dead, actually she was never alive. Most of
inspiration is work. -Dave Weiss

Though Dave’s post is directed to writers, it’s true for any area of life. Whatever that looks like for each of us, the truth is, it all begins with the first step:

  • stocking our pantries with healthier foods. And yes, bagel thins should be one of them. Don’t forget the blueberry cream cheese. It’s a lovely 2 point shade of lavender. 🙂
  • lacing up the walking shoes (after I find them)
  • creating budget envelopes in order to become a better steward of finances.
  • fill in the blank _________________

Could you use a little inspiration today?  Don’t wait on it. Your first step awaits!

God is not withholding from you. When He has something for you to do, He
will make it clear. In the meantime look to what He’s previously given
you that you left unfinished and start working on that. -Dave Weiss

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