
Psalm 125:2 Tea Gathering Ideas

by Cathy Baker

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. Psalm 125:2

Welcome to the makings of a Psalm 125:2 Tea Gathering! The purpose of this particular gathering is to surround a person with love, encouragement, and prayer. The honoree may be currently going through a difficult time or will soon be facing one.

Consider ahead of time: Ask those who will be in attendance (except the honoree) to be praying about a specific verse they feel God would have them share with the honoree during your gathering. Also, they may want to consider a word of encouragement to accompany their verse. This will be one of the most meaningful moments during your gathering, so giving your guests a week or more to prepare their thoughts will enhance your time even more.

Click here to get all the details on this gathering from the setting to closing out your time together. Feel free to change it up! These are simply suggestions I’ve discovered to be helpful along the way. 

What’s your favorite part of a tea party? If you’ve never attended one does it sound like something you’d enjoy?

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

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