
Aunt Rose’s Nut Bars – A Family Tradition

by Cathy Baker

My Aunt Rose’s Nut Bars were an essential part of family beach trip. Bites of chewy browned sugar left a perfect powdered lining around the lips, my version of sunscreen at the ripe age of 10. 

Aunt Rose’s sister, my grandmother, aka Ma-Ma, also served these yummy bars at some of her Garden Club parties. I wish I could share a square with you now but since I can’t, I thought I’d serve up this family recipe, straight from my aunt’s own 1970’s handwritten recipe card. Enjoy!

And just in case you can’t read it…

2 sticks butter
2-1/2 cups plain flour
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 box light brown sugar
1 cup chopped nuts
3 level teaspoons baking powder

Melt butter in a saucepan; to this add sugar, stir and then add eggs. Stir, then add flour, flavoring and nuts. Add baking powder to flour. Cook at 300 degrees until light brown. Cool. Cut into squares and roll in powdered sugar. 

This would be a delightful addition to last week’s Sharing Your Treasure Tea celebration, as well as a perfect go-to drop off goody for someone in need.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8


Creating Unforgettable God-Glorifying Gatherings

Every other Wednesday, you’ll be greeted with a NEW gathering idea. Most times, the focus will be on tea gatherings but I’ll be sure to include girlfriend gathering ideas along the way as well. On Wednesdays in between, you’ll find favorite recipes, along with thoughts and ideas on hospitality in general. 

Today, I’d like to begin by sharing some basic tips on planning a tea party, with our main focus on relationships rather than hosting the so-called perfect tea. Keep your gathering as simple as you’d like. Feel free to choose none, one, some, or all of the tips below! 

  • Prayer is to our gathering what a tablecloth is to a tea party—foundational. Everything else is built upon it. From the get-go of our preparations, let’s begin praying for those God would have us invite. We never know what God has up His divine sleeve! By immersing our time in prayer we provide an opportunity for an unforgettable God-glorifying gathering.
  • Invitations. Is there anything more inviting than a handwritten note? With the big picture in sight, any type of invite will work (yes, even a call, email or texting) but taking the time to write a note is pretty special these days.
  • Music. Choosing instrumental selections for background music is ideal. Piano, harp, Windham-Hill, etc. Play it lightly. If guests are having to raise their voices, even a tad, it’s too loud.
  • It’s nice to keep in mind that not all care for tea (gasp!) so we’ll want to offer an option such as coffee, hot cider, etc., based on the season.
  • Non-scented candles are always a must. Some, like myself, are allergic to strong aromas and trust me, the last thing we want is Frasier fir mixing with Earl Grey. 🙂
  • Greenery. If snipping from our yards, we’ll want to be sure to give it a quick spray in the kitchen sink to remove any pesticides or bugs that may want to crash our tea time. Nothing says Welcome! like a spider creeping over a cup.
  • And last, but not least, there’s the empty chair. Leaving one chair empty at our table is a tangible reminder to everyone that Christ is present and desires to fellowship with us. 

Do you have a tidbit or two you’d like to share? I welcome the opportunity to learn from you.

Questions? Feel free to leave it in the comment box area, email, or message me via Facebook. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll try to find it for you!

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