
5 Lifestyle Blogs That Change The Way I Do Life

by Cathy Baker @cathysbaker

I marvel at the ways the internet has changed the way we do life.

At the touch of our fingertips we locate new recipes, learn how to cover popcorn ceilings in creative ways, spiff up our blogs, and countless other things.

Lately, I’ve started setting aside time to peruse a variety of blogs via Bloglovin ← (which I love!) Today, I’m sharing a handful of sites that are sparking changes in my life, both in small and positive ways. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do! They’re in no particular order.

Blog Thrifty Chick

Thrifty Decor Chick

Sarah shares simple, inexpensive ideas on decorating. Her ideas are easy on the eyes, as well as the budget.

Changing…how I tackle decorating. With Sarah’s creative penny pinching ideas, all things are possible. I’m hoping to use some of her Pinterest ideas in our next home.




The Nester

The Nester

With a mantra like, It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful, how could you go wrong? Myquillyn Smith won me over with her book The Nesting Place and her blog never disappoints.

Changing…the way I see everything, not just my home. Imperfections hold their own kind of beauty.They’re to be embraced, not shunned⎯in our daily life, as well as our homes.




City Farm House

City Farmhouse

Inspiring DIY projects, decor ideas, and yummy recipes. {And it doesn’t hurt that she too has a big crush on buffalo checks.} She also uses a lot of white…my favorite color.

Changing…the way I spend my time. Her Project Gallery alone convinced me of the need for an allotted guilt-free perusing time. Check it out and you’ll see what I mean.


Chip and Joanna Gaines

Magnolia Market

Chip and Joanna Gaines. Enough said.

Changing…the way I view house projects with my own hubby. Instead of calling my hubby Bob Vila (because he has to touch everything he sees in antique stores) I will bite my tongue pause, and thank God for Brian’s sense of humor. Oh, what I would give for a Chip and Joanna makeover!




Modern Homesteading, A No Fluff Look at Rural Living for Newbies (for all my fellow chicken lovin’ friends!)

Victoria is the real deal. She lives in a 80+ year-old log cabin, in the boonies with chickens and blueberry bushes. She blogs for GRIT and Mother Earth News and is a huge proponent for essential oils and self-reliant living.

Changing…this full-fledged city girl into a, dare I say, country girl? Okay, so you won’t see me relying fully on the land (how far is the nearest Starbucks anyway?) but you might just catch me picking blueberries and feeding chickens.

So, there it is! My list of favorite lifestyle blogs. Which blog do you think you’ll visit first? If you have a favorite lifestyle blog, please share it with us! 

{If you like lists, stay tuned for more favorites in March! Hint: Blog/Photography, Foodies, Inspiring.}

Curling Book Pages Instead of Turning Them

Book Wreath, by Myquillyn Smith, The Nester

 by Cathy Baker

Okay, so Monday mornings may not be the most ideal time to share a creative idea but I know we can do it! Especially if there’s an extra shot of espresso involved. 

You know I’m a huge fan of Myquillyn Smith’s blog, The Nester. Her mantra immediately won me over: 

It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. 

Okay, back to crafting. Can you believe this wreath consists of cone-shaped book pages?  Visit Myquillyn’s post from 2011 to see the tutorial. I’m blown away that she created this 36″ marvel in less than an hour. I may host a DIY wreath time at my house next year, but in the meantime, let’s find a book, remove the pages, and start curling those babies.

The laurel wreath on the right was created from plastic spoons.

If you have your own wreath ideas to share, you’ll enjoy linking up on Myquillyn’s blog, The Nester, December 2nd. Hundreds of creative beings will share their beautiful {imperfect} masterpieces. Read more about it here. 

I’d love to see yours there. Me? I’ll simply be scouting for ideas. You’re welcome to join me. 

So, how does your {imperfect but beautiful} creativity find its own way to flow?

Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase


by Cathy Baker

{ Day 13 }

When I consider those books that have left an indelible mark on my life (other than the Bible, of course) Wild Goose Chase…Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God by Mark Batterson rarely slips past without notice.

Here’s a taste of why that’s true:

“Jesus likened the working of the Holy Spirit to the wind. Sometimes the Spirit is a light wind from the south. Other times He is a gale-force wind that batters our ship. Sometimes the Spirit is a headwind that seems to frustrate our plans. And other times He is the wind at our back. Chasing the Wild Goose [you’ll have to read the book to understand this reference!] is recognizing which way the wind of the Spirit is blowing and responding to it. It requires a moment-by-moment sensitivity to the Wild Goose. And you have to trust His promptings more than you trust your own plans. Instead of getting frustrated by fighting the wind, you appreciate the fact that something uncontrollable and unpredictable will get you where God wants you to go.” -Mark Batterson, Wild Goose Chase

What initially drew me to the book was Mark’s first book, In A Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. It’s one of my top three favorite reads ever—and that’s saying something. Secondly, I like the word “adventure” in the tag line. I’m not an adventurous person, never have been. For years I felt less-than because of it. And honestly, I still do in some respects. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a learner, an explorer, and an observer of wee details…but perhaps not as most expect. (Until I hit that mark, I’ll continue living vicariously via the Susan Stilwell’s of the world. Love you, friend!)

My adventurous Hokie friend, Susan Stilwell

If I’m not careful, however, my natural bend towards predictability can weigh down my steps, causing me to miss the adventure that comes in pursuing God.

“I want to see God do things in me and through me that I am absolutely incapable of so I can’t possibly take credit for them.” – Mark Batterson, Wild Goose Chase

Staying in Step with the Holy Spirit: Unpredictability in the hands of the Holy Spirit is anything but.

Heavenly Father, regardless of how we were wired by Your hands, help us to never settle for a predictable walk with You. Keep us in step with Your Spirit as we wholeheartedly pursue You.

#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }

Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayers

by Cathy Baker
{ Day 6 }

What specific things are we praying for these days?Whether last
minute cries for help, a laundry list of needs, or an unexplainable
groaning from within—God hears the prayers of His people. 
But add
specificity, and we’re given an opportunity to witness our God’s
awe-inspiring attention to detail in action. 
of those moments came for me this week while peering out our window,
curled up in my prayer chair. I was sharing with the Lord how I’d not
sensed His presence as much in recent weeks, even though I was confident
He was there—whether I felt it or not. Nevertheless, like any daughter
desiring to feel closer to her Father, I made a simple but heartfelt
request: “Pappa, I just want to know You’re near.”

catching my next breath, a brief but blustery gust of wind swept
through the trees closest to my window pane—without disturbing another
tree in my yard.


To some, a ten-second gust of wind would simply appear as our season’s
signature. To me, however, it was a specific answer to prayer—a Father
reminding His daughter that through His Holy Spirit He is always a
breath away.
Staying in step with the Holy Spirit: Just as good communication promotes closer and richer relationships, the same is true in our relationship with God. A dialogue consists of a conversational exchange between two people. If you’re like me, you’re well versed in the asking part, but a little rusty when it comes to watching and listening for God’s answers. When we do, however, He is faithful to make Himself known to us for He is a personal God longing to converse with you and me. 

Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your presence in our life isn’t dependent upon whether we feel like You’re near or not. Today, as we seek to draw nearer to You through Your Holy Spirit, help us to pray specifically, trust fully, watch expectantly, and praise You quickly. 

What specific answers will you be watching and listening for this week? If you feel comfortable sharing in the comment section, I’d love to join you in that prayer. Otherwise, can you share how God has personally revealed Himself to you lately? 

Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. Gods voice in response to mine is its most essential part. ~ Andrew Murray
(Last Sunday, one of our pastors at Summit Upstate, Kyle Estepp, mentioned the wind in relation to the Holy Spirit. It reminded me of the above post from 2011. Because it stays in step with our October series I decided to slightly tweak it and re-post.)

Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation

Beauty Berry Bushes blooming in my backyard.

by Cathy Baker

{ Day 4 } 

Saturdays in October will offer a brief respite for our souls amid football games, apple picking, and festivals. 

Today, let’s consider the fact that God could’ve birthed us into a black and white existence without us ever knowing the difference. Instead, He chose to bless us by coloring His creation in both brilliant and muted hues. 

Staying in Step with the Spirit: Soaking in all that God has provided can’t help but stir our hearts towards praise and adoration. Will you join me today in moving our worship outside? Find and focus on one piece of God’s creative beauty. Notice the intricate details, the scent, and texture. Thank God for what you see and touch.

Father, our hearts bend towards You in gratefulness for the many ways You lavish us with Your love, grace, and mercy. Help us not to pass by Your creative works without a worship-filled pause. 

What did you choose to examine closer on your worship walk? 

I made the earth and created man on it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host. Isaiah 45:12 ESV



{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
( Day 3 ) Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships

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