
Remember this post? 

Today is the day!

In all honesty, I wish I had a different story to share with the 1,000,000+ readers of The Upper Room — a different history if you will. But it’s a history I cannot change, so I humbly accept God’s free yet costly gift of grace — for to deny it is to deny what Jesus did for me 20+ years ago. It is the beauty of the Gospel.

I want to thank Megan for allowing me to use her childhood story of Buddy (and thank you, Desi, for the picture.)

Will you join me in praying that God will use this small offering to draw readers closer to Himself?

  • To view the meditation Released, please go to The Upper Room.

I’d love for you to join in the conversation today by leaving a comment in the meditation or blog section of the site if you wish. If you don’t have an account with The Upper Room, you’ll need to create one (it took me 15 seconds – no personal information required.) Thank you, and God bless!

To God be the glory for all He has done.

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