Taking a cue from today’s post over at The Budget Maven, I thought I’d give this a try.
This past weekend:
- Skipped over to Barnes & Noble on Friday date night to pick up the latest issue of this favorite magazine and a new picture book for Piper.
- Caught two American Masters episodes, featuring Louisa May Alcott and Harper Lee. Informative and inspiring! It’s been years since I’ve read To Kill A Mockingbird but thanks to the documentary, I plan to read it again very soon.
- “Worked” on plans for our study introduction next Tuesday night. The Lord sparked an idea that I cannot wait to experience with the other ladies.
- Began filling my bowl after a stirring presentation on Sunday from the ministry Rice Bowls, which helps to feed orphaned children around the globe. You simply fill up the plastic “bank” and return it to the church in exchange for another empty one. Our monetary change brings transforming changes to these little boys and girls. Read more about this amazing ministry here.
Right now:
- Like Allison, we’re also gathering goods for a possible yard sale this weekend.
- Working on new writing goals. I have a head start on September!
- Fixing a smoothie, ignoring the frappe.
- Starting to journal my prayers again. I’d taken a break…but it’s good to be back on track.
- Praying for the Christian Communicators Conference taking place this week at The Cove—especially for Vonda, Carolyn, Latan, and all those attending.
- Thanking the Lord for YOU. I appreciate your taking time from a busy start-of-the- week to read this post. God bless you!
I hate I missed the Harper Lee documentary. There's another good one about that book on Instant Netflix called Hey, Boo! you'd like. Good luck with the writing goals and yard sale! I'm working on both of those myself, particularly the first one. Have a great rest of the week.
Allison, I think it may be one in the same as this documentary was also entitled Hey, Boo! I was so impressed with both documentaries that I have them set to DVR in the future. I think I just missed Carl Sandburg's. Hope you have a great week, too!
I hope you share what you're doing with your Bible study, Cathy. I love getting new ideas, and the Lord has certainly blessed your leadership this past year!
Congrats on a productive start to your week! I'm trying to do that myself 🙂
I'll be happy to share more about it very soon. I also love getting new ideas! Praying your week will be a productive one.
I enjoyed your post this morning. 🙂
Cathy, Oh how I wish I could be part of your study beginning tomorrow night! If I knew how to Skype, I'd try to join in that way! Love you!
I wish you could too, Jamie. Maybe we'll figure out a skyping option in the future. 🙂
So busy! So inspiring! Always interesting, always creative in delivery. Cathy, I love that your messages always prompt ideas and are usually wrapped in optimism.
Thank you Deb. I appreciate your stopping by and sharing. Means a lot!