
by Cathy Baker 

{ Day 31 }

This post officially ends the Write 31 Days Challenge but because of it, some things are just beginning, thanks to a few lessons I learned along the way:

  • The more we exercise our calling/ministries, the more creative we become. Prior to the challenge, I often struggled for blog ideas but a funny thing happened as I made my way to the laptop each day. Ideas evolved from unexpected places. It was exciting! 
Have you also found this to be true with 
your own calling or ministry?
  • God provides a multitude of practical ways His children can stay in step with Him. Becoming intentional made all the difference. I asked God to open my spiritual eyes and He led the way. He always does.  
Was there one particular step during the challenge that resonated most with you?
(See past posts below)

  • We ARE up for the challenge. Writing for thirty-one days under the umbrella of one subject was daunting, to say the least, but I needed a challenge. I’d become sluggish, taking the joy discovered via writing for granted. The non-adventurist within warned that I may not be able to follow-through with the challenge—but I did it anyway. As a result, I plan to start ignoring that non-adventurist voice more often. 
Is there a challenge you’ve been postponing?
I thought I’d feel relieved to have the challenge behind me and yet it feels like I’m bidding a friend farewell.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. 
#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }
{ Day 13 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase

{ Day 15 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Paper Bookmark
{ Day 16 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Fresh Start
{ Day 17 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Spontaneous Service
{ Day 18 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 3
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 20 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Mini-Getaway
{ Day 21 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Piped Icing
{ Day 22 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Knock at the Door{ Day 23 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via The Book
{ Day 24 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Breath of Prayer
{ Day 25 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 4
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 27 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Honing Your Gifts

{ Day 28 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Well Placed Pooch
{ Day 29 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Pure Motivations 

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