by Cathy Baker @cathysbaker
““We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that
you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know
that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something
that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have
something better.”
– C. Joybell C.
you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know
that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something
that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have
something better.”
– C. Joybell C.
The subject of change has been on my mind a lot lately, mainly due to the fact that we’re praying about leaving the town we’ve loved for the last 20+ years for a place out in the country. We wouldn’t be too far away, just far enough that I wouldn’t be able to meet nearby friends at the local Mom and Pop restaurant for grits at 7:45 am. Okay, maybe it is too far.
A lot of people ask how we can know when God is up to something in our lives. For me, one indicator is when God takes me out of my comfort zone and I don’t even realize it until I look back on the situation.
You see, I’ve never considered leaving this town I love. It’s a place where eternal friendships were forged. It’s where we raised our boys. It’s where I know people and they know me.
Is there any greater gift than to know…and be known?
When I consider moving to a place where familiar faces and places won’t surround me on a daily basis, there is an inkling of doubt, especially for this introverted soul of mine. And then God dots reminders of bigger pictures and plans at every turn, and doubt is swallowed whole because I know⎯and am known⎯by a God who is much more concerned about how I live rather than where I live.
To step out into unfamiliar places is an act of faith, especially for those of us who aren’t the most adventurous of the bunch, preferring to settle in with the known rather than wrestle with the unknown.
I plan to share more about our changes, this unknown journey, throughout the month of March, in addition to some practical ways we can all find change to be a good thing. A very good thing.
So, are you ready to venture out of the known pond into the unknown oceans that await, confident that with the sovereign One by our side nothing in life is really unknown? Maybe for you it’s not about changing a location. Maybe you’re venturing out into a new ministry? Entering a new role in life? Switching careers? The unknown will be different for us all but one question remains the same:
Will we step out in faith?
I’d love to hear from you! What is one recent change that has been a good thing in your life? Or is there a way I can pray for you as consider venturing out from your own little known pond into the unknown?
this is really relevant as me & thomas are getting to list our house & move into the unknown in a few ways! 😉 can't wait to read more about y'alls journey!
if you are looking to move to the blue ridge area, thomas's parents are thinking about selling their house in the next few months/year! they have 12 acres i think!
Wouldn't that be something, Robyn!! 🙂 I'm excited to learn more about your journey as well. We hope to have ours on the market within the next few months. Looks like we'll both have some exciting journey's ahead. Maybe we can all meet for lunch one day!! I'd love to see you. Thanks for sharing.
that would be great!!! 🙂
What? No! You can't leave us! Seriously, I'm excited for you, but sad for us. I've gotta stay in touch so I'll know where to find you. 🙂
Robyn, we'll plan on it later in March! I'm already looking forward to it. 🙂
Vonda, if we move I've already decided I'll definitely come down for our writer's group every month and at least another time every month to enjoy my friendships. You're all too valuable to leave behind!!! Love you. 🙂
We are in the process of listing our house soon in Ohio, where we were born and raised, and moving to either the Simpsonville, SC or Myrtle Beach area! Big change, but happy to leave the cold and snow!
Nice to meet you, Tammy! Our church staff consists of several OH transplants who left their home towns as well. I think you'll love the weather here! Our son, daughter-in-law, and two grands live in Morrow, OH. I wish you could bring them with you. 🙂 We miss them. I'll be praying for your move — that God will lead and guide you to the place you'll most flourish in every way. Please keep me updated on how things are going. Blessings from SC!!
Haha! They are about 3-1/2 hours from us, but I'm sure we could swung a little west and scoop them up and put them in the moving truck! I visited Cross and Pens last year while visiting our daughter, so maybe I'll get to meet you in person this year if our house sells! This is the third year we will have tried to sell.
Oh my goodness! I may have missed you at Cross and Pens because I was out with two unexpected surgeries last year but I'm hoping you can come back, and especially live close by. I still plan to make the drive to the meeting once a month. 🙂 Praying that the third time will be the right time, Tammy!!!
God's calling me out of my comfort zone these days too, Cathy. I won't be moving, but God's said it's time for me to get out and tell my story, VERBALLY. I'm much more comfortable with writing since it's solitary and makes me feel less vulnerable. But I've joined Toastmasters now and am even taking the plunge, giving my first speech on the 14th. I'm a little nervous, but that can be a good thing too.
I echo Vonda here too. I'd hate to see you leave. Please come back and see us when you can.
Good for you, Ellen!!! I'm excited for you and for those God will bring across your speaking path. I love and respect how you fully embrace life. 🙂 If we move, I still plan to attend Cross N' Pens! Hope to see you soon.
I love your thought that it is how we live that is more important than where we live. That being said, I've had more than my fair share of worrying about moving to new places. Blessings today, Friend!
I bet so, Ginger! Moving often as a military family would've certainly proven to be quite the challenge, at least for me. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to share. Blessings!