Ordinary is often the disguise of the divine. – Priscilla Shirer, Gideon
I love how Jesus [the angel of the LORD] met Gideon in the midst of his mundane task of beating out wheat. (Judges 6:11, 12)
Jesus didn’t meet me on the threshing floor (or in a wine press!) this past week, but He did encounter me in some ordinary ways:
- A blanket of snow [the importance of stillness, Psalm 46:10]
- Coffee with a friend [the blessings of friendship]
- Spotting a cardinal atop a snow-laden branch while washing dishes [beauty]
- Walking through my home [thankfulness]
- Family time in the snow [sheer joy]
- Smiles on my grandchildren’s faces [gifts from the Lord, Jas 1:17]
“Having your spiritual radar up in consistent anticipation of His presence—even in the midst of the joyful chaos and regular rhythms of your everyday living—is paramount in hearing God, because sometimes the place and manner you find Him is the least spectacular you’d expect.” -Priscilla Shirer
How have you encountered God in the midst of an ordinary day? I’d love to hear about it!
What a joy to read this article, Cathy. God truly is all around us, but it's so easy to miss Him when we get caught up in busyness.
Thank you for sharing, Cynthia! Oh the beauty of seeing Him at work in the midst of our ordinary days. 🙂
Love from SC!
Beautiful truth, Cathy! We miss so much simply because our eyes aren't opened to the blessings all around us.
And I loved seeing your words, "my grandchildren." Can you believe you not only have a grandchild, but grandCHILDREN?
No, I can't believe it, Vonda but I sure do love it!
Thanks for stopping by…always a blessing. 🙂