I said “no” to something on Tuesday that I’ve not declined in months. (Hint: it’s frozen, yet pliable enough for scooping, 500+ calories, and chock full of cookie dough)
So why say “no” this time? It wasn’t a matter of being too full or not in the mood for ice cream (is there such a mood?)
I said “no” to ice cream that night in order to say “yes” to a healthier me for a lifetime.
It’s simple but true: Saying “no” to one thing allows us to say “yes” to something else—usually of greater value.
- “No” to TV = “Yes” to quietness, quality time with the Lord and family, reading a good book.
- “No” to splurging = “Yes” to wise spending, saving, ability to help others in need.
- “No” to busyness = “Yes” to abundant living
- “No” to always saying “yes” to everyone = “Yes” to understanding you can’t be everything to everyone…nor should you.
Perhaps I’m the last one to board this train, but this simple principle is a life-changer for me. It seems so obvious yet it’s too often neglected.
What about you? To what (or whom) can you say “no” to this week in order to say “yes” to God’s best?
Wise words, my friend!
I think saying no to something always saying yes to something else. The opposite is true too! If I say yes to spending my time w/God or w/family, I'll have to say no to something else since I can't put more hours in my day.
Very wise insight, Ellen.
Thanks for sharing, Vonda!
So proud of you!!!! Keeping say NO and enjoy the Yeses!!!!
I just found your blog when looking for an image for my blog on the same topic. I took a different take on it, but really dig yours and feel the same way. I linked your post to the image so some of my readers can get your POV. Yours is an easier read and probably easier going down. Blessings on your blog ministry.