
by Cathy Baker

In many cases, hectic and disorganized mornings are a direct result of what is not happening the night before. 
– Crystal Paine

Jessi Fearon, The Budget Mama, recently introduced her readers to Crystal Paine, the Money Saving Mom. (See a trend here?) At the time, Crystal offered a special on her online course, Make Over Your Mornings. As one who’s always itching to learn new ways to make the most of her time, I signed right up!

One of the first chapters addresses how to calm the morning chaos. Since the boys are grown and enjoying their own hectic mornings with wee ones, mine aren’t nearly as busy but…

The value found in redeeming our time is ageless.

As I began reading, I noticed how her words resonated with my daily book sitting nearby. With that, I began listing all those things which I’m already doing the night before in order to make my mornings a success:  

  • All utensils necessary to make my egg whites/grits (Weight Watcher friendly!) breakfast are washed. This prevents frustration and possible straying to a less healthier option. (10 minutes)
  • I lay Brian’s breakfast things out in the morning so he need only make his way to the table. (He’s not a morning person. 🙂 (2 minutes)
  • Every night, I spend a few minutes in my daily book listing out where I need to be the following day. I arrange my errands in order to save both time and gas. I can’t begin to tell you how this one step has redeemed a chunk of time over the years! (15 minutes)
  • And yes, I know what I’m wearing the following day before my head hits the pillow. (5 minutes, although some might argue I need to spend a lot more time on this one.)

I space the above mini-tasks throughout the night instead of waiting till right before bedtime. And while the time requirements are the same regardless of when they’re done, there is a difference. 

Having Brian fumble for his breakfast stuff could quickly become a frustrating feat. Having my daily list ready to go cuts through the chaos when I get an unexpected text or call, changing up my day at a moment’s notice. And the list goes on. A few tasks peppered into the evening certainly makes for a less chaotic morning, and who doesn’t want that?

How about you? Is there anything you do the night before to set your following morning up for success? 


Robyn Black is the WINNER of the coloring book, Joy, by Valentina Harper via random.org. Thanks to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for another drawing coming up later this month.

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