
Three Powerful Ways to Prepare for Unexpected Blessings

Unexpected blessings catapult our faith into high gear and steady our walk of faith.

I didn’t realize how much so until last week when I attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. As I’ve done over the past nine years, I showed up eager to fellowship with friends, meet new ones, and hone my craft.


But this year was different. And it had nothing to do with Covid.


At registration, I planned to attend everything the conference had to offer. But soon after arriving, I sensed God might be calling me to something unexpected. My southern-fried raising tried its best to guilt me into doing what I always did because, well, it was the expected, “right” thing to do.


I’m learning, however, the only thing right thing to do is to follow God’s plans.


So, instead of attending the a-mazing large group meetings and classes, I took a seat in the Clouds coffee shop and simply made myself available, with a lavender latte in hand.

During my time in the coffee shop, God:

  • brought dozens of attendees by, making it possible for me to share wholehearted smiles and hellos. (We had a lot of new attendees!)
  • allowed me to pray with others right there on the spot.
  • let me be a listening ear to several who were carrying heavy burdens. More than once, someone said, “I’m so thankful you were here.” And in return, I echoed the same sentiment to God.
  • enjoyed the laughter that surrounded the shellacked table.
  • blessed me with friendships with the volunteers working behind the counter.


Looking back, I see how a few specific prayers prepared me to follow God’s leading, resulting in unexpected blessings:


Three Prayerful Ways to Prepare for Unexpected Blessings:


  1. Pray for God’s agenda, period. In the weeks prior to the conference, I prayed for various things like staying healthy, the removal of any pride or selfishness from this ol’ heart, and being available for however He might want to use me as a conduit of His love and kindness.
  2. Pray for bravery. Because we can all agree that following God’s agenda and not ours (or anyone else’s) isn’t for wimps.
  3. Expect the Unexpected. I admit that when I first sensed the Holy Spirit pointing me to the cafe, I bristled a bit, knowing it might disappoint some people I love and respect. (My name is Cathy Baker and I am a recovering people pleaser.)


On the final day of the conference, a friend put this “Office of Cathy Baker” sign on the cafe table. Here’s one of fourteen pictures taken in my “office” *smile*. It’s a favorite because it includes Pepper Basham, along with her latest release, Hope Within the Pages (Doors to the Past).


(I’m sharing my various visitors to the “office” on Facebook over the next week or two. I’d love for you to stop by and say hello!)


Do you sense God might be calling you to serve Him in an unexpected, possibly out-of-the-norm kind of way? We’d love to know!

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Each day, holy pauses are shared in the form of prayer, Godโ€™s Word, gatherings, or free downloads that help us to connect (or re-connect) with God and others.

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