
This is My Story. What’s Yours?

blogmystoryMy story. // Fragmented family. // Young bride. // Two boys born here on earth, one in heaven. // Divorced. Twice. Single mom. // Came face-to-face with Jesus in a duplex. // Returned to church. My grandmother’s church. A New Beginning’s Class. // Met my husband of 25+ years. // Gained two God-glorifying daughter-in-laws. // Chosen to be the grammy to four future foes of the enemy. // Surrounded by fellow warriors, aka, friends. // Praying. // Hoping. // Watching. // Believing. // The beginning. // The end. // The in-between.


blogmysongA new song. Psalm 40.3 // Unto God. // My Rescuer. // My Redeemer. // My shame-bearer. // My Conquerer. // My Joy. // My Grantor of Grace. Abundant. Fresh. Mercy. // Singing for my Pappa God. // My forever song.


blogalldaylongInhaling. // Working. // Playing. // In Traffic. // In Target. // Daydreaming. // Praying. // Loving. // Serving. // Coffee. // What is Said. // What Remains Unspoken. // Exhaling.

-Blessed Assurance, Frances J. Crosby, 1873.

This is a snapshot of my story. What’s one or two words that you would insert below one of the above verses to describe yours? 


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Sunday Snippets on Monday

Summit’s series on sharing our grace stories continued this week. Jason’s voice may have faltered a bit but his message did not.

Snippets follow, but I encourage you to listen to the sermon in its entirety when it’s posted Tuesday/Wednesday.


Jason began by reminding us that there are many doomsday people out there but we’re to remember that nothing thwarts God’s plans. Nothing! (Job 42:2) We are not to put our hope in the wrong kingdom. 

Luke 10:1-20

  • To follow Jesus means to be on His mission, with His message, and the right motivation. We now have a church culture focused on me, my issues, my needs.
  • Jesus says to His followers: I’ve given you a story of grace and there are needs out there that only you can meet. You’ve been sent. You’re on a mission with a message. Your grace story matters.
  • Don’t rejoice in your ministry or significance. If you rejoice in anything you do, you’ll end up disappointed. Everything we say and do should be Gospel motivated. 
  • The Gospel is the love you’ve been searching for. 

Sharing snippets from such a powerful sermon is a challenge, to say the least. I hope you’ll stop by for the entire sermon on Summit’s site. 

Prepare to be blessed!


Sunday Snippets: Your Grace Story

It’s great to be sharing snippets from our Sunday’s service at Summit Upstate once again.

There is one dilemma, however. Jason’s sermon was so riveting that I forgot to take notes for a good part of the service. Yes, it was that good. My snippets-attempt doesn’t do the sermon justice, but here goes:

  • If you know Jesus, you have a grace story unfolding through your life—and each one is unique.

Ways to become more intentional in sharing our own story:

  • Pray. When’s the last time we prayed for someone lost without Christ? 
  • Cultivate friendships with people who don’t know Jesus. Live intentionally. Watch to see who God will bring across your path today and be prepared to share. 
  • Repeat. Don’t grow weary in well doing. Keep going. After all, God is the one drawing people, not you. 
  • Embrace the uniqueness of your story. Stop wishing you had another person’s grace story!

lot of people say the Church is no longer relevant — that we need to
be hipper or trendier for people to want to come and camp out at the
Church’s door. It’s not about making God “cooler” — it’s about the
Church living intentionally.

arrogant of us to think God has become irrelevant and that it’s our job
to make Him relevant. -Jason Malone (I’d say this is tweet-worthy,
wouldn’t you?)

To hear the sermon in its entirety, please visit Summit’s site. Jason’s sermon should be posted by Tuesday/Wednesday. 

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