We have a sheltering tree. Its double-trunk supports wide-sprawling branches, offering respite on these sweltering days in the South.
Friends are like that, too.
When we feel we’re being bombarded by the unexpected, wayward children, or a million little things⎯all at once⎯we find comfort in a friend’s touch.
When we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to thinner, prettier, more successful, Mary-like women, our friends are there to pull us out of the muck and speak truth into our lives.
So, last week, three friends came over for lunch. There was no agenda other than to catch up, encourage one another, and offer respite through lots of laughter, good food, and raspberry lemonade.
Friendships⎯like trees⎯grow, mature, and blossom in a variety of ways.
For instance, when I think of Edie, the Lily-of-the-Valley tree, better known as Sourwood, comes to mind. This tree offers beauty in all seasons. In Spring, white fragrant pearly clusters of flowers bloom profusely. In Autumn, its red leaves gloss over like shiny waxed apples. Regardless of the season of life, she finds herself in⎯joyous or downright tough⎯Edie exudes Christ. But there’s one particular characteristic about the Sourwood tree that reminds me of her. This tree is a tremendous source of nectar for bees to produce honey. Over the last 9 years, I’ve seen her selflessly pour herself, her gifts, prayers, and talents into other writers, such as myself. As God brings her own hard work to fruition, the work of countless others who have drawn wisdom and insight from her help also bring Him glory. And then they, in turn, help other writers, creating a beautiful circle of life.
Vonda’s qualities, although too many to mention (truly!) remind me of a well-loved evergreen tree called the Southern Wax Myrtle. Like the Sourwood, it too puts on a show year-round with its lustrous green leaves in the summer months and bluish gray clusters of berries in the winter. The leaves release a very aromatic scent when crushed, that smell much like a bay berry candle. Although you don’t hear Vonda complain, she sometimes carries a heavy load behind-the-scenes. But like the Myrtle tree, when she is at her weakest, “crushed” beneath the weight, there is a sweet aroma released from her soul. It’s not the fragrance of bay berry, but that of Christ. And like the Sourwood, the Wax Myrtle tree also supplies nectar for the bees. God has used both Edie and Vonda to bless a multitude of writers over the years. {Thank you!}
And then there’s Pea, aka, Dee Dee Parker. She’s my Weeping Willow tree. Her sickness earlier this year had me shedding many prayerful tears but thankfully they’re now induced by laughter. Much laughter. One interesting fact about the Weeping Willow tree is that it’s often planted by streams so that their braid-like roots will protect the bank from erosion. In the same way, Dee Dee’s prayers are woven throughout her day as she too seeks a water Source⎯Jesus. He is the only One who can ultimately refresh, restore, and renew those she lifts in prayer.
All three friends touch my life and the lives of many others in ways they’ll only know once they reach heaven.
I could learn a thing or two from these women when it comes to being a sheltering tree for others. This hasn’t exactly been a banner year for me in that department. Partly because of the new distance between me and most of my friends back in our old hometown. And in all honesty, the struggle to discover the balance for needing long stretches of writing time and life in general, is real.
But isn’t that what sheltering trees are all about? When struggles, storms, and hard situations enter our lives, we know we can find refuge beneath their branches. It is there we also find refreshment.
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Proverbs 27:9
Leigh Ann Thomas is a friend whose gentle spirit and tenacious love for Christ is evident in her life as well as her words. Her recent release, “Ribbons, Lace, and Moments of Grace…Inspiration for the Mother of the Bride” is no exception. I wish her book would’ve been available when our boys were getting married. Mothers of the Groom need a little inspiration (and a lot of coffee) too!
Today, I’m giving away a copy of Leigh Ann’s beautiful book to one blessed reader. If you are a mother of a bride {or groom} prepare to be inspired. If you know someone else in this role, inspire away by purchasing a copy for them. I can’t imagine a better gift.
Enter the drawing by simply answering the question below. I’ll randomly select a name next Tuesday!
How has a friend touched you⎯refreshing your soul⎯in recent days?
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I love quotes. And they love me. Pithy, thought-provoking…it’s all there. So in the midst of this blazing summer heat, I thought I’d offer refreshment in the form of a fistful of favorites. In addition, you’ll find a quick sip of thoughts. As you read the following five quotes, is there one in particular that resonates with you?
So how do we fuel the curiosity within us? One way is through play. Who says adults have outgrown a playground or that our playground must consist of a slide and a swing? I admit that I’ve not always been good at playing as an adult. In fact, I’m still working on it. But playing, whether it’s through a sports activity, dancing free-form when no one can see you {cue 70’s music}, or simply daydreaming, it empowers us to be creative, free-thinkers, and more flexible.
Self-doubt is a danger to creativity. But more importantly, it’s a danger to our souls. Our testimonies. Our calling. When I began attending the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference I found my validation as a writer in receiving awards. I’d never won anything as an adult. So each time I heard my name called and the roar of applause that followed, I felt a little more like a “real” writer. I know now that my worth — as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, friend, and writer, must be grounded only in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone is where we find our confidence. When we rest in this truth, self-doubt quietly slithers away.
Oh boy! I’m still not sure what to think about this quote but I couldn’t exclude it. It was just too darn intriguing. Maybe it’s the term ‘stealing’ that leaves me unsettled. Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton, who led our writer’s group for years, often reminded us that there is nothing new under the sun. I don’t know about you, but that’s a relief. I used to beat myself up because I couldn’t think of something to write about that no one else had already written. Now I know that my inspiration and perspective are unique…and so are yours. I pray the Lord will open our spiritual eyes as we anticipate fresh insight from Him, even on the most hum-drum of days.
Don’t you find this to be true? I learned this while participating in the 31 Days Blog Challenge a couple of years ago. The challenge? Choose a theme and dedicate 31 consecutive days {October} to blogging on that subject. I thought for sure I’d run out of ideas within the first three days. What I discovered, however, was quite the opposite. Creativity was at every turn! Thoughts came quicker and from unexpected places.
My heart’s desire: to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make Him look great. For He is worthy! How about you?
Now it’s your turn! Was there a quote or thought you especially resonated with today? Please share. I’d love to know.
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Welcome to the first Saturday of the month when we join a fellow follower on the bench of life to learn from their experience.
Today, I’m delighted to introduce Susan Stilwell to you.
Susan and I actually “met” via Vonda Skelton’s site in the comment section. {Who says leaving comments isn’t beneficial?} In our case, we became eternal friends and I thank God for her often. Since our initial meeting on Vonda’s site, we’ve had the opportunity to meet at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. It feels like a family reunion every time I see her sweet smile! And it doesn’t hurt that she’s a Hokie friend. 🙂
Susan is a prayer warrior to the very core of her being and much wisdom flows from her as a result.
remember, these glimpses of quiet times are shared to simply show that our quiet times can look very different. My heart is to invite
you into the freedom that awaits when we meet with our heavenly Father
{Thank You, Jesus!} in a variety of ways.
So, welcome, Susan.
If we were to join youduring your time with God, what might we observe?
I’ve always been an early riser, so I look forward to my
one-on-one times with the Lord around 5:45 A.M. I love those quiet dark moments
when I have the fewest distractions. I have a cozy stuffed chair in my office
and snuggle in with a creamy cup of hot coffee.
I start by praying the Lord’s Prayer, and then I read from a
devotional guide. I also try to review any text I’m teaching, and I journal
thoughts from those two sources. I keep a list of prayer requests, and I close
by praying a collection of scripture verses I’ve memorized over the years.
Other than the Bible, what is your one go-to “tool” you
use during your time with the Lord?I can’t pick a single go-to resource, so let’s call it a
tie: my journal, which is actually a day planner, and a good devotional book.
Andrew Murray’s, Humility
I lean toward classic writers like Spurgeon, Chambers, and
Andrew Murray. A.W. Tozer is a favorite contemporary writer, although he’s not
so contemporary compared to the others! A short devotional that slays me every
time I read it is Murray’s Humility.
I try to read it at least once a year.
Is there a particular experience you’ve had during your one-on-one time with God that you would like to share?
I consider every day to be a unique experience with the
Lord! For Yahweh—the all-sufficient, all-powerful, all-knowing and all-wise
Creator and Sustainer of the universe—to condescend to me—an all-needy, all-dopey, all-failing spec of nothingness? I’m
awestruck by that every single day of my life. (Can you tell I’m reading Humility this month?)
Is there anything else you would like to add about your
one-on-one time with the Lord?I do my best to be consistent, but I also allow myself to
bathe in grace on the days I get sidetracked. I strive for authenticity and
fluidness with my devotional times. I don’t ever want it to be a checklist
item, which is an easy trap for Type-A personalities like me. God forbid I
become a Pharisee who honors Him with my lips but my heart is far from Him.
Two closing thoughts:
Don’t do what I do! Not only are we are fearfully and wonderfully
made, but we’re also unique. Sit in His presence, bask in His word and let Him
direct your intimate times.
A devotional time is an excellent discipline, but it’s
not what sustains me throughout the day. I’ve developed a habit of spending “simple
seconds” with Him as often as possible. I turn my attention away from my
activities and acknowledge that the God of the universe is present with me. I
thank Him for the privilege of living for Him and ask Him to empower me for
whatever is ahead. I hope it blesses Him because it certainly blesses me.
Thank you, Susan. The one truth that stood out to me the most? How, every time we sit in the presence of a holy God we are having a unique experience. Amen! As we approach Easter, it’s yet another reminder of the costly sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf, ushering in the very possibility of having a relationship with our heavenly Father.
Is there a particular thing that Susan shared today that stands out to you? Please share in the comment section.
Susan Stilwell consults, writes and speaks on a
variety of topics. Her clients appreciate her technical expertise and attention
to detail on their websites, projects, and social media strategies. Technical
“how-tos” are Susan’s favorite articles. You can find her working as a blog
designer and contributing writer at Fistbump Media.
Susan also serves as a hospital chaplain
associate and is a voracious scripture memorizer. She’s a conference speaker
and passionate expositor of God’s Word, and she’s active on Twitter, Facebook,
and SusanStilwell.com.
A Million Little Ways by Emily P. Freeman rests comfortably in my top ten favorite reads — for a multitude of reasons. In this post back in January I shared one of many sections highlighted throughout the book.
In many (perhaps a million?) ways I think Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton could’ve collaborated on a similar book as their wise counsel over the years often mingled with Emily’s.
One such moment occurred on page 138, where Emily shared how we may not be the first to say it, write it, create it, or believe it—but our saying it may be the first time someone finally hears.
“There is no new truth, dear. All truth belongs to God. Sometimes you simply need to hear someone else say it.” -Steve Lynam
Plagued with self-doubt most of my life, I struggle to believe anyone would “hear” anything I had to say when so many others weave words like well spun silk. Yet, I know God has called me to bang the keys and pick up the pen for a purpose.
Could it be the words He places on my heart benefit “only” a handful of people? If so, I accept it with gratitude. It’s how I prepare lessons to teach, pen words for an article, and mold prose into poetry. My responsibility is to write, releasing the harvest to God’s safekeeping. (1 Cor. 3:6-9)
So in those moments of self-doubt, I remind you as I remind myself: Our calling isn’t confirmed by the number of “likes” on a Facebook post, the number of hits our blog posts receive, the awards that hang on our walls, or contests won.
There will always be others who do things better than we do. Praise God! But let’s not discount how He has uniquely created us to share the good news—perhaps in a way someone has never heard, seen or experienced before. The gift is from Him and the glory is all His, so go ahead — say it, write it, and create it!
“Were you made on purpose? Is there a unique blend of interests, desire, wisdom, quirks, insecurities, and loves that are within you? Can we agree those things are not a coincidence? Could it also be that there are things in you that aren’t in anyone else? That the way God has attached himself to you is a unique way he wants to display his glory to the world?” – Emily P. Freeman, A Million Little Ways
It took bravery on my part to take the first step, so tonight is not the winning step. The winning step was the first one. – David, runner up for The Biggest Loser 2014
Perhaps it was the timing of his statement that caused me to drop my 3 point-worthy Bagel Thins and pick up a pen instead. Thanks to Vonda, Dave Weiss’ post Your Muse is DEAD has been raising its hand for my constant attention all day long.
Inspiration is not something to wait for, it’s something to seek. It’s
not some whispy goddess who capriciously decides to withhold your
creativity. The muse is dead, actually she was never alive. Most of
inspiration is work. -Dave Weiss
Though Dave’s post is directed to writers, it’s true for any area of life. Whatever that looks like for each of us, the truth is, it all begins with the first step:
stocking our pantries with healthier foods. And yes, bagel thins should be one of them. Don’t forget the blueberry cream cheese. It’s a lovely 2 point shade of lavender. 🙂
lacing up the walking shoes (after I find them)
creating budget envelopes in order to become a better steward of finances.
fill in the blank _________________
Could you use a little inspiration today? Don’t wait on it. Your first step awaits!
God is not withholding from you. When He has something for you to do, He
will make it clear. In the meantime look to what He’s previously given
you that you left unfinished and start working on that. -Dave Weiss
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