Moving into a smaller home forced us to downsize in every way, especially when it came to furniture. But one thing I rallied to keep was a 3 piece set from the first ice cream parlor in Simpsonville SC, and I’m so glad I did. Even though a 7′ farm table sits nearby, this parlor table found its own niche tucked between two large glass pane windows that frame the mountains quite nicely.
It’s at this table, that the various needs surrounding my day {dirty dishes, soiled clothes, dusty surfaces, etc.) fade into the background, fueling my engagement with God. It’s as if the brain knows this when I sit in that particular spot. If not the brain, then it must be the heart.
I remember when the boys were young my go-to prayer spot was on the end of a hand-me-down oversized sofa. Some days, I’d simply curl up, confident of my heavenly Father’s presence surrounding me. You know, when that kind of truth settles deep, it can change a person’s life. And it did. I’ll never forget that corner of prayer.
We all know there’s nothing magical or mystical about a particular place to pray. Being in a certain spot doesn’t reach God quicker or deeper. I think it simply signals to my body – emotionally, physically, and spiritually – that the temporal “stuff” needs to rest. Maybe the same is true for you — when the temporal pressures of the day begin to release their grip, eternal treasures gather both a brighter and clearer place in my mind and heart.
So, how do we find our own places of prayer?
- Seek out a quiet place. Seems obvious, I know, but prayer has as much to do with listening as it does speaking or quietly sharing from our heart. When I show up to simply spew my desires {even godly ones!} it feels a bit more like Santa’s lap than a Savior’s embrace.
- Find a “view”, or not. For some, a beautiful landscape, or whatever you consider to be beautiful within eyesight, can be a distraction. Not so for me but we’re all different and we need to find places that work towards focusing on God.
- Recognize that the most vital placement question is that of the heart. Does prayer have a place in our heart? In our priorities?
“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.
Most of us would prefer, however, to spend our time doing something that will get immediate results. We don’t want to wait for God to resolve matters in His good time because His idea of ‘good time’ is seldom in sync with ours.”
― Oswald Chambers
I’d love to know where you most often find yourself in prayer. Please share in the comment section below. If you’re searching for an inspiring post on prayer, there are many but this is one from Focus on the Family that covers a lot of bases.
Thank you for spending a few minutes of your day with me. Blessings!
My friend Cristina always uses the floor of her walk-in closet. Lately my “go-to” has been a private spot on our porch. Beautiful thoughts, Cathy. Just like you.
“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.” I love this, CAthy. Haven’t heard it before, but it’s so true.
I like the idea of finding a special place to set aside for time with God. Maybe I should seek that out here at home.
I love that quote too, Ellen! I have no doubt you’ll find a delightful spot of your own. 🙂 Hope to see you at the next meeting. Thanks for sharing!
Love the idea of Cristina’s “prayer closet”, Debra! And your idea of a private spot on the porch sounds quite lovely. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to share sweet friend.
Sadly, my prayer spot tends to be in the car. Especially after moving to the country, I find myself driving around a lot, alone, giving me time to be with God and talk with Him. I enjoy praising Him for the beautiful things I see, the warmth of the sun on my face….
I don’t see anything sad about that, Becky! I love that you snatch every moment possible to recognize God’s beauty and thank Him for it! Thanks so much for taking the time to share. 🙂
I completely with Cathy, Becky. God’s with us and hears us everywhere we go.
Yes and amen, Ellen! 🙂
Thank you for this sweet post and reminder of how important prayer is in our daily lives. My prayer spot is often (like yours used to be) curling up on a corner of our cozy couch. Or in the car back and forth from work. Problem there is once I feel God’s presence, I get teary and its hard to drive while crying : ) So I’m careful to wait till I’m on my quiet traffic-free country road…
Cynthia, I can so relate! I’ve had to pull into a parking lot more than once because of the tears. The tears reveal a tender heart so we’ll just embrace them, won’t we? 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to share. Blessings!