
Three Lessons Learned from the 31 Day Writing Challenge

by Cathy Baker 

{ Day 31 }

This post officially ends the Write 31 Days Challenge but because of it, some things are just beginning, thanks to a few lessons I learned along the way:

  • The more we exercise our calling/ministries, the more creative we become. Prior to the challenge, I often struggled for blog ideas but a funny thing happened as I made my way to the laptop each day. Ideas evolved from unexpected places. It was exciting! 
Have you also found this to be true with 
your own calling or ministry?
  • God provides a multitude of practical ways His children can stay in step with Him. Becoming intentional made all the difference. I asked God to open my spiritual eyes and He led the way. He always does.  
Was there one particular step during the challenge that resonated most with you?
(See past posts below)

  • We ARE up for the challenge. Writing for thirty-one days under the umbrella of one subject was daunting, to say the least, but I needed a challenge. I’d become sluggish, taking the joy discovered via writing for granted. The non-adventurist within warned that I may not be able to follow-through with the challenge—but I did it anyway. As a result, I plan to start ignoring that non-adventurist voice more often. 
Is there a challenge you’ve been postponing?
I thought I’d feel relieved to have the challenge behind me and yet it feels like I’m bidding a friend farewell.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. 
#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }
{ Day 13 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase

{ Day 15 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Paper Bookmark
{ Day 16 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Fresh Start
{ Day 17 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Spontaneous Service
{ Day 18 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 3
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 20 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Mini-Getaway
{ Day 21 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Piped Icing
{ Day 22 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Knock at the Door{ Day 23 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via The Book
{ Day 24 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Breath of Prayer
{ Day 25 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 4
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 27 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Honing Your Gifts

{ Day 28 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Well Placed Pooch
{ Day 29 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Pure Motivations 

Staying In Step with the Spirit Via A Well Placed Pooch

by Cathy Baker

{ Day 28 }

She stayed a few steps ahead of me, pushing her baby stroller with baby Rapunzel in tow. 

It wasn’t long before Rupert, our 11 year old Lhasa Apso decided to join in the stroll. Unfortunately, aging Lhasas aren’t always the best companion for little ones, especially when their wee feet are in motion. Rupert has never hurt Piper but he’s growled and nipped enough towards her toes to make her understandably nervous at times. (Let’s just say he’s seeing his crate increasingly more when the grands come for a visit.)

Rupert, our ornery well loved Lhasa.

I stayed between her and Rupert as we strolled throughout the rooms but with every few steps, she’d glance back to make sure Rupert wasn’t following too closely. Each time, I’d reassure her:

“Don’t worry, Pipes.”
“I’m standing between you and Rupert. He can’t touch you.”
“It’s okay.” 
“You just keeping looking straight ahead. I’m watching out for you.” 

My reassurances to Piper came naturally, like grandparent to child. I smiled and continued patting her petite shoulders when the Lord whispered, This is a picture of you and Me. I reassure you with My promises during your times of fear but like Piper, you often spend more time glancing over your shoulder rather than enjoying our stroll together. 

Sweet Pipes and her pigtails.

The tone of His voice wasn’t condemning or else I’d know it wasn’t my heavenly Father (Romans 8:8). Instead, it was the voice of a Father desiring more for His daughter, much like I wanted Piper to enjoy her stroll and simply trust me to protect her from an ornery but well-loved pooch.

Staying in Step with the Spirit: Sometimes staying in step with God’s Spirit is simply recognizing how closely His steps are to ours. 

Heavenly Father, help us to trust Your promises at all times, especially when we can’t “see” you at work in our lives. Thank You for being a loving, firm, always-wanting-what’s-best-for-His-children kind of Father, and not a condemning One. Because You have our back, we no longer need glance over our shoulders in fear.

Your turn! Do you have a favorite promise of God you’d like to share?

#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }
{ Day 13 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase

{ Day 15 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Paper Bookmark
{ Day 16 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Fresh Start
{ Day 17 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Spontaneous Service
{ Day 18 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 3
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 20 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Mini-Getaway
{ Day 21 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Piped Icing
{ Day 22 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Knock at the Door{ Day 23 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via The Book
{ Day 24 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Breath of Prayer
{ Day 25 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 4
{ Sunday } 

Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof

by Cathy Baker

{ Day 10 }

Our conversation lingered as stone gray clouds shuffled by in a show-like manner. The moon was full and bright, no doubt the star of the show. 

The discussion, while weighty, was uplifting as my sweet friend pointed me to the One we’d just studied in the company of other God-seekers. 

Pulling out of her driveway, I hit the magic button allowing the sunroof to open, inviting warm Fallish breezes and moonlight to accompany me on my ride home. Suddenly, going from point A to point B became an exhilarating connection to God’s creation, reminding me that the same God who set the universe in motion is the same God who cares about me, about you, and every detail in between. 

by Ainsley Allmark @DolphinDancer

Staying in Step with the Spirit: Connecting with God often happens in the most unexpected places. Let’s open our eyes to ordinary times and places, asking God to ignite our senses. Soak them in, see God’s goodness, and delight in the One we call Father. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making the ordinary extraordinary.

I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the
stars, which You have ordained; – See more at:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place…  Psalm 8:3

#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search

Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search

by Cathy Baker

{ Day 7 }

When three people tell you within a two month period that you’re being too hard on yourself, God may be up to something. 

Perfectionism has been my enemy for as long as I can remember. You wouldn’t recognize this tendency if you visited my home or caught sight of my unruly brows but it’s there nonetheless. It established patterns of procrastination behind my back, paralyzing me to move forward in certain areas of my life. 

Can you relate? 

Perhaps it’s because I’m still a WIP (work in progress) that I gravitate towards godly women with a wise perspective, like Ginger Harrington. I had the opportunity to meet Ginger at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference in May and now she’s also a fellow #write31days participant. When I read her post Soul Search: Why Are You So Hard On Yourself? from Monday, I had to share it here, with you. Prepare to be blessed!

Ginger Harrington’s 31 Day series

Ginger’s theme for October is Soul Strength and you’ll not want to miss a post via Ginger’s Corner.

Staying in Step With The Spirit: When we choose to see ourselves as God sees us, we are strengthened by truth — and truth never fails to draw us closer to God. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the “wide fields of grace” You provide for us to run free and forgiven in Your presence. Help us to stand firm in the truth that when You see us, You see Jesus—the only Perfect one.




For it is God’s loving soul search that sets us free to run forgiven in wide fields of grace. -Ginger Harrington

Past #write31days posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation 

{ Day 5 } Sunday 

{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 

{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs

Stay in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs


The 31 Day Writing Challenge is Underway!








by Cathy Baker

{ Day 7 }

It’s no wonder Brian has “threatened” to secretly videotape me during the day. I can’t explain it, but when 70’s music cranks, so do I. Floors get swept, dishes get washed and books get dusted—all while pulling out my favorite ’70’s dance moves.

Music has been a part of my life since I can remember. I shared a few music milestones in a 2009 post so I’ll spare you a repeat here. I didn’t, however, share the role hymns and spiritual songs have played, and continue to play, in my grace story.

Divorced twice by the age of 27, I was laden with shame, defeat, and little hope.

I’d left my first husband for another, and the “another” left me the following year. Though the rubble of consequences still falls at times, I thank God for allowing me to hit rock bottom—and hard. It was only then that I came to understand my desperate need for a Savior.

I became a Christ-follower in a duplex on the outskirts of town and the following year, God blessed me with an amazing husband (celebrating 24 years this month!) who encouraged me to stay home with my two young sons that I adored (and still do.) I was, and continue to be, overwhelmed by His grace and mercy.

So imagine my hearing an old-school tune like Babbie Mason’s After All a few years down the road. Many a day I wept listening to these words as they precisely mirrored my own life. Today, decades later, the lyrics still stir a gut-wrenching gratefulness way down deep.

Praising God in Song

After All

Verse One
I heard you calling. I felt you knocking. But I drew
further from You every day. I knew better, still, my heart grew colder. And
I just kept on going my own way.

But after all was
said and done with me. After all
my pride then my fall. I was so amazed
to still find you there. After all I’ve done You still loved me after

Verse Two
Your eyes said welcome. Your arms were
open. How could I ever doubt Your love was real. You never mentioned all
my past rejections. Words can’t express the way that makes me feel.

Verse Three
To freely forgive is so hard to do. But You completely
forgave. And now I will spend my whole life with You. After all, forever
and always.

Staying in Step with the Spirit: The word “music” is used 90 times in scripture (NIV version). One indication of the Spirit-filled life is the desire to sing. Whether it’s singing about God or to Him, it delights His heart (and ears!)

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of music. Just as the voice of a child sounds angelic to his/her parents regardless of age or ability, You too delight in the sound of our hearts raised high for Your glory. What’s one particular psalm, hymn, or spiritual song that ushers you immediately into the presence of the Lord?


Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. -Martin Luther


#Write31Days:{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer


Photo by Haley Rivera on Unsplash

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