
Tiny House Tuesday // Finding Ideas in a Magazine + Starbucks Giveaway

Tiny House Tuesday

With the interior work just around the tiny bend, my abstract ideas need to harden like concrete.

For instance, there will be the eight-foot-long desk but we’ve not yet decided on the materials. There will be walls, but will they be planked or smooth? And the floors, will they be wood of a lighter or darker tone? These are just a few of the questions tapping on my brain when I’m all tapped out.

Pinterest is usually my go-to when searching for new ideas. But last week, while facing a stash of multi-layered eye candy otherwise known as magazines, I spotted two letters⏤Ti⏤peeking out from the left side of a Dwell Magazine. Could it be? Why yes, yes it could:

I rescued the latest issue of Tiny Homes magazine and later turned the pages one by one, hoping to gather ideas into my concrete bucket. Some corners received the coveted fold-over while others were pleasantly ignored.

Here are some of my favorite fold-overs for various reasons:


Tiny House Desk

Any time I spot a tiny desk in front of a window, I take note. It seems like many are bar height, maybe because it doubles as a table for those who live in their tiny abode.


Tiny House Charleston

These window boxes make the colorful Rainbow Row-inspired siding pop. Let’s just say there may be a patch of pink flowers peering in my windows down the road.


Tiny House Community in Greenville SC

I learned there’s a tiny house community only minutes from my house (now I know of two!) Yeah, that Greenville.


Tiny Gardens

A garden, be it veggies or flowers, doesn’t require a lot of space to be productive. One day, Lord willing, there will be a garden filled with hollyhocks, foxgloves, and other vintage flowers framing the tiny house. But first, a long strand of free weekends await, something we’ve not enjoyed for over a year. (For more tiny garden ideas, visit my Pinterest boards!)


And finally, sometimes it’s not so much about finding what you want to put in your space, but what you don’t want…like, say, these antler rails. Make it stop.


When the interior work begins, watch for specific questions on Instagram. I look forward to your feedback!


But for now, just for fun…what’s your favorite magazine? Do tell!

{Leave a comment to have your name included in a Starbucks giveaway. Enjoy a cup of coffee while dog-earing your own pages!}

Thank you for spending time at the Tiny House on the Hill today.



Tiny House Tuesday // Framed Glory {& An Exciting Announcement!}

Tiny House Tuesday

There it was in all its glory.

One moment, I’m handing Brian tools and the next, I catch sight of the glorious sky framed for a private viewing.


Sky Framed in Glory


Working on the tiny house this summer has offered moments of both victory and defeat. At times, it’s easy to become bombarded by the details of the build. A break is needed and mine is taken in the doorway-to-be because mountain breezes have a way of making a person feel at ease.

But tiny frames of glory do too.

Like the bright violet patch I discovered behind the house that flooded my mind of grandmother’s backyard all those years ago. Or the day we saw a fawn run across the yard, not so far from where we stood. And then there was the bee that thought he was a hummingbird. Turns out it’s an uncommon sort of bumbler that’s found only in particular regions. We never know what we’ll see while working on our tiny house on the hill.

These days, we’re busy nailing down mega sheets of plywood in preparation for the metal roofing. One by one, the sheets slowly obscure the framed sky which I’ve grown to love over the months.


Yes, the sky is wide open and hard to miss when you step outside, and yet, there’s something about having it framed in all its glory that makes one pause to take notice.


It makes me wonder how often I go about my day missing God’s framed moments of glory.


Yes, stop and smell the roses, but for goodness sake, let’s not stop there.

“…to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord…”

Psalm 27:4 NIV


What’s one beautiful sight the Lord has framed for you this week?

Exciting News about the New Blog with Tiny House design

Next Tuesday, September 18th, I am scheduled to re-launch the blog with:

  • A NEW title (Hint: If you enjoy Tiny House Tuesday I think you’re gonna LOVE it!)
  • A NEW image
  • A NEW gift for subscribers
  • A NEW monthly letter

If you’re wondering what will stay the same, I will prayerfully continue to:

  • SHARE creative ways to connect with God and others
  • INSPIRE creativity in daily life
  • INVITE meaningful reflection on the small {seemingly insignificant} moments when God makes Himself known

Join me next Tuesday to celebrate the re-design! There will be {tiny} fun giveaways and a NEW gift for subscribers. And if you happen to be as excited as I am, I’d love your help in sharing it! {Thank you}

Tiny House Tuesday // Cut it Out!

Tiny House Tuesday


The windows, that is.


I couldn’t imagine a more exciting moment on our tiny house journey than when the walls were raised. But I was wrong.

Seeing “windows” punch through solid walls brought out the inner cheerleader in me (and I do mean inner!) I shouted as if it were the last lap of Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s career. Oh, you didn’t know I was a closet NASCAR fan? I watch it from my air-conditioned, non-smoky, fuel-free den with a frappe in one hand and a book in the other. I am a fan nonetheless.

But I digress.

It’s one thing to measure, draw, and pluck a plumb line in all the right places. It’s a whole other baby to catch sight of toppling wood chunks the size of windows.

My favorite window, all 8′ x 4′ of it, will sit to the left of the front porch. The desk will run its length to make way for mountain views and guest writers. Here, Brian finished cutting one of the back windows in the reading nook. Next up, the desk window.



And now, the desk window view, seen from the inside out.



The windows that will sit to the right of the porch are tall and slender, giving a nod to the windows of yesteryear. It is a Victorian tiny house, after all. {Not pictured}

The three back windows will be larger, giving readers a plentiful place to perch as they turn their pages.

Tiny House Back Windows

Minus one tiny corner gap that was soon covered.

The newly cut “windows” allow the warmth that was once tightly held within the walls to flow outwardly.


“…in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippian 2:3b-4


First, we look up but then we look out.

All we have⏤health, home, family, spiritual gifts, talents, ministry⏤are to be released, not clutched within the walls of our wants.

I {often} have to ask God to cut through my selfish tendencies that hinder my ability to see those He places on my path.

Is there anything hindering our ability to see⏤really see⏤others?


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